Friday, April 20, 2007


I always get this way! When ever I have something super important that I need to get done, my mind turns to scrambled eggs. Senior project due Monday at 4pm... percentage done??? ???!!! I feel like I'm going in circles in my head about where to begin, when I'm sure if I just started somewhere it would work itself out fine. Well, I have the weekend, right? So I needn't worry, right? That's what got me where I am... Time has a way of fooling with my mind. What seems close at hand takes an eternity to come, and what seems the distant future is at my door before I've even breathed.
Friend of mine is taking an oral interpretations class. What I wouldn't give to be doing his assignments instead of facing mine. Drama, I miss all of that. I miss memorizing lines and then giving them life.
Alright, a nap and then on to my monstrous task.

1 comment:

Sirhc Senots said...

ha ha Now I can leave comments on your blog, my skender fish. I'm glad I got a change to talk to you before reading this post.