Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lions for Lambs

I am AMAZED at how fast prayers are answered when I let go of what I expect to happen, and flow with the river of time, keeping my eyes open to what I want to happen... in only a matter of ONE week I have found myself amidst an ocean of like minded individuals. By mistake, I found myself in a house full of people that all had one goal, the same goal as I do: to make the world a more enjoyable place for all. It is easily the BEST mistake I've ever made. I thought I was calling to join a support art-group for survivors of abuse, and ended up in a meeting for a non-profit that is only just beginning to get of the ground. Talk about turning around, away from the past and toward the future...
and then tonight I went to and found a link to a movie: Lions for Lambs! WOW! And suddenly I am intensely aware that I am truly NOT ALONE, and I find hope in my dreams, because I know that there are others that are not only dreaming, but DOING! There are MANY OTHERS that are working toward that common goal of creating a more loving world.

I find myself overwhelmed with HOPE and JOY! I haven't felt this high (from a sound reason) in so long I'm not sure when it last was... but it doesn't even matter, because I am tired of looking to the past for answers. It has gotten me nowhere I want to be. It has been like treading water in a sea of pain, when all I've wanted was to get out of that place and up onto the warm shores to bask in the love that exists in the depths of the world. And now, I can feel myself moving, swimming against small waves but with the tide, and I can see the sand, and finally I feel HOPE.

There is soooooooo much more I want to write about, but it's late, and for once I feel like I will sleep soundly... tomorrow then. But before I go-

I want to express my love and gratitude to any and all who are doing what they can to turn the dream into a reality... you- who I may not even know- are my inspiration and my hope! Thank you!

To any that are not putting your energy into this dream, may you find inspiration through myself and those I speak of... It is possible to succeed!

Monday, October 29, 2007

curiousity kills the cat

To know there is something wrong, but have to wait to find out is torture... Ignorance really is bliss... but who wants to be ignorant? I sure don't. I want to be aware, so I can help, so I can be a part of the solutions- regardless of whether I am part of the problem or not... I feel so helpless on so many levels... Oh to be different... I am different... I am smart, I am aware, I am powerful, I am in control of my own life and the effects I have on others... Why does this feel like mockery to write such things? Because I don't know what to do?!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Still Waiting...

...waiting on the world to change...
maybe it's me that needs to change...
no, not maybe...
it is me.
My thoughts, actions, words
all must be wrong...
Why else would it all feel like I'm swimming against the current and fighting an eternal tide?
I keep on waiting for the winds to change direction,
and I find myself wondering if maybe the wind knows where it is going
and I'm the one without a clue.
I try.
I do... I've always the best of intentions
but I've only led myself and everyone close to me
down the devil's dark roads.

I had a nice long chat with a friend today. It was a good talk. We don't often talk on a meaningful level, so I was more appreciative of this exchange, and yet, when I left... I felt a sort of hollow inside. Maybe it was because we were talking about the nature of the human species and the need for change, and the lack of follow through...
All I know is that I found a place to rest by myself and I just sank into my self and thought... "I need to DO something, but WHAT?" I know all sorts of things I'd like to "have" or even "be", but what do I want to DO? Life is really nothing more than time, right? And time is really just actions (or lack of)... so what do I want the meaning and purpose of my existence to be?
I know people who go through the motions as they make their way through the machine, doing what they do because they think it's "just what people do" like worker bee's doing as they must to survive... and then I know people who do what ever it is they do, because they were born to do it (whatever that it is)... They don't do anything without purpose or drive or intention, because there is some reason they know of inside of themselves that pushes them... so unlike the others they aren't going through the machine, they aren't even in the factory... they are in their own elements.
And where am I? How do I fit into any of it? I am closer to the ants being pushed out by the machine... because it feels like I'm mostly just trying to get by... but I long for the purpose those enlightened few possess. And ask anyone of them how they got such drive and few can tell you how... they were born with it... they just do what is natural to them...
So what is natural to me? Why do I feel that most days of my existence are a total waste...
It could be because I don't see any results... at the end of my days there is no tangible evidence that I even existed. I see no mark.
I am happiest when I KNOW that I have made someone's life better. But that is rarely something you can hold or even see. Do I have a greater impact than I know? And is it wrong of me to want to know that I am making a difference? I was raised to be humble about giving, and to do it selflessly, but I want to do it because it makes me feel good... and that is selfish... I want to do it to know that I have some value to someone.
Is it pathetic that I feel a need for such acknowledgment?
If it were someone else asking me that question, I would tell them "not at all." and mean it. Yet, in asking myself, from myself, I have a hard time feeling the same way.
Why is it that so many humans have such a hard time loving and caring for ourselves? Why are we are own worst critics? That seems so counterproductive. Do other species go around complaining to animals how fat they are, or stupid, or unsuccessful? Humans are supposed to be so advanced, but it feels like we're only at an evolutionary adolescence. I hope we (as a species) survive to reach maturity, and wisdom.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What the hell am I doing?!

I'm back here in Humboldt, AGAIN! I can't seem to escape this place. At least it's been nice and sunny and even warm these last few days. I'm enrolled in classes so that I can get fin aid, but I'm still waiting for the check to pay out. Without it I am pennyless and homeless to boot. I've been fortunate enough to stay in a spare room at a friend's place, but her roommate will be here this weekend, and then from there...? Who knows where I'll go. My cell is Ideally, I'll have an apartment lined up. But that all depends on Fin aid... My classes are challenging for once... and my days are long. 7am to 10pm... not sleeping well doesn't help any.
I just keep telling myself that things will be better soon. I'm still trying to make things right with an ex, and I keep wondering why? I mean, he's great and all, but the headache I've had leads me to question the cost versus benefits- simple economics, right? If only there was a set numeric value for each, it'd be a lot easier to see what I'm doing. Instead I just fumble along, trying to remember nvc in hopes that it'll make the process less painful. So far, it hasn't gotten me far. Even when I remove the blaming and attempts at manipulation, I'm still dodging the bullets from him. I'm not saying that I am right in my actions. I even stopped trying to defend them. I just want him to see... to actually get that none of it was really about him. It was about me- trying to get my needs met- albeit the least effective way possible, but that's what it was about.
And The choices I've made have constantly been about the same thing. That's all any human does- we try and meet our needs the best we can.
Why can't people recognize that? Why do they have to take things so freakin' personally? It's almost like humans rarely grow out of the egocentric phase in development. "what? you're actions have nothing to do with me? That's impossible!" Why is it so hard to get the concept of cause and effect while still maintaining personal responsibility? Why is it that people are so ready to give up their power over themselves to others... "He made me" She made me" "I have to" BULLSHIT!!! We do what we do and we feel how we feel because that's what we choose- whether it's a conscious decision or NOT! And I'm tired of trying to protect myself from taking blame for others lack of control over their emotions. I'm not talking about the biochemical aspect here- I recognize the sort of lack of control when the brain lacks an ability to produce the proper chemicals- but the choice we make to get angry when someone chooses not to do as we want them to. The ability to choose how we feel when we make demands of others and they refuse those demands.
Which is another thing- I wonder if the world will ever get over it's need to try and oppress and control others...
I don't feel like going to Geol. I don't feel like doing anything. I want to sleep. I hate feeling like this-
I want to reach out- to cry out for help- but I don't have any specific request to make so I can't be satisfied. And instead of putting anyone in that uncomfortable position, I'd rather just isolate and wait out the pain. If I can just last through it, I know it will fade.
I just wish my rhythms weren't so incompatible with the school year... I always feel so great the first part of Fall, but then I fall... and spiral down through the semester so that just before finals I find myself surrounded by the broken pieces of everything... And then I'm 'better' again, refreshed, for Beginnings of the New Year, only to spend the next three months spiraling back down. How am I supposed to succeed when the rhythms of the year clash so strongly with my brain chemistry cycles???
Well, I think I'll go e-mail a few professors... I have yet to give the warning/disclaimer before I actually start collapsing.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Incase Anyone does read this thing...

What can we do in the face of disaster? What can we do when the bearers of information are really only harbingers of lies???? Whatever we can to combat the apathy, and misinformation around us! We are on the edge of a turning point... we are at the moment in time when the future is decided? Do we step into a nightmare where we relive dictatorships and fear is our only guiding principle, or do we rebel and overthrow those who wish to stupify and subdue our rights to peace, safety and security??? I was led to an article on where I read something very disturbing... alone, it would be dismissed! But this isn't the only article I've seen. There have been too many, and the possibilities that come with ignoring it are far more hazarous than what happens if I worry, if I react. So I am blogging in hopes that my post will inform others, and they will then inform others, and eyes will begin to open. Hitler didn't HAVE TO COME TO POWER!!! But nobody stopped him, and for that- countless died or were made to suffer. I don't want to be one who would have let HITLER HAVE that power- I would like to think that I'd have been shot fighting for justice, for what matters!!! SO I hope someone, everyone will start fighting, in whatever way they can. We don't have to sit silently by, while we are abused and ignored. That's only what they want you to believe so you will think that you need them, so they will think you are weaker than them and that fighting will be of no use.
As much as I despise Bush I will refer to something he said after 9/11
"If you stop, the terrorists will win" and he was right. If we stop demanding that our voices be heard, the terrorists, including Bush himself, will win!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I'm going to pretend I have an audience, and that they actually care as to why I haven't written lately because it fits with the theme of what I really want to write about.
So, I've been floating on the winds of change. After graduation things got even more hectic! I had to move my stuff somewhere fast... and that was chaos, especially not having anywhere to live. Let me rephrase that, without anywhere I felt I could be. There are options as far as places I could have stayed, and still could, but I can't stand the idea of being a mooch! And that's what I'd be right now, a MOOCH! Instead I am opting for the vagabond's life. I have a tent, and I've been wanting to camp, so how can I complain?
I have survived thus far by the grace and charity of others, but with their kindness comes a guilt I can hardly bear. Perhaps it's because I'm so used to the backhanded gifts my grandmother gives... you know, the kind that is given 'freely' and comes with an all expense paid guilt trip. My angel benefactors have given no such grief, but I feel it still, like a ghost limb that continues to ache. And so I wander a while longer. I'd wander until September rolled around, if I thought I could stand to be without a shower that long, but it's a comfort I'd prefer not to lose completely.
So I'll pretend that it doesn't bother me to take and take, after all I AM grateful, I'm just not comfortable needing help.
And I'll pretend I don't feel old as I watch younger people, dancing, talking, being young... I just can't help but think I... I don't know. I find myself thinking such ridiculous thoughts. Like that I ought to be around people closer to my own age... of course being around 30 yr olds that like the same music and life style as 16 yr olds isn't exactly helping either. I feel so out of place around those that thrive on pop culture. I recognize pieces of it, and I have fond connections to the pop cultural icons of my youth... but I find myself less and less interested in participating in that culture, and more and more interested in trying to dissect or macerate its effects on the public. But it's only human for me to want to connect to others, particularly those close to me, so I try to hide disdain. I'll pretend.
I'll pretend I don't look in the mirror and think I look 10 yrs older all of a sudden, and that I'm not bothered by the aging. After all, I really do think it's beautiful in other people, so I'll pretend I see that beauty in me. I'll pretend I'm not starting to feel the insecurity that real women feel when they are forced to stare into the plasticized and airbrushed images of the media's women. I'll pretend I don't look at my body in the mirror and already dread the relationship it has with gravity. I'll pretend that turning 27 isn't really that close to 30, and that 30 isn't that much different than 20. I'll pretend that 10 yrs out of high school can only mean growth. I'll pretend...
I'll pretend that I don't want to start building a nest. I'll pretend that I don't want it, or that I don't care if I get it at all. I'll pretend. It's not like I want those things right now anyway. There are other things I want first, and will have first, so I suppose I'm only half lying to myself, right? Not lying, just pretending...
And then there are those people that I don't have to pretend with... so few and far between, really really few. The friendship is genuine, and common beliefs about society lead to conversations far more delightful, and insightful than those that revolve around pop culture. And the way we can play with each other and have fun the way you do as a kid- before your conditioned to 'act appropriately' or 'cool'. The way even the quirks and disagreements can make me smile... to feel like you give as much as you get... that is really awesome, no need to pretend there... it's awesome, and I don't pretend...
until there's a major conflict of interest...
What do you do when you want something for someone because it's what they want, but you don't want it because it's not what you want? I suppose if you care about them, you pretend... pretend to be completely happy about it, after all, you're happy for them, so you're really just half pretending, right? Just pretend and maybe you'll fool someone, even yourself... what's that saying? "Fake it till you make it."? I try. I certainly do try. I just wonder if I'm really even fooling anyone.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Graduate

Well, it's all over and done with. I did the whole ceremony thing on Saturday morning. My mom, grandma, uncle and cousin came to see me. It was good to see them. I also had a few friends in the crowd. Two parties this weekend as well. I am exhausted! It was strange to be sitting there and looking out at this cloud of color, smiling faces and waving hands. I felt like I was in a dream. You know the feeling where you know you are supposed to be where you are, even though it doesn't feel like you belong. I watched the crowd before me, all of them filled with excitement and wondered why I was there. I wonder if I would have felt differently if I could see my family. I didn't see anyone I knew.

I sat and played hangman with a colleague during the ceremony. Thank god for that, otherwise I would have been bored to tears. When it was finally time to get up and walk across the stage I had to pee really bad. I had needed to since before the ceremony began, and the falling rain wasn't helping me any. (Yes, thats right. It was raining. Well, more like heavy misting-but it was beautiful and sunny yesterday.) So after I walked off the stage I ran as fast as I could, hopping over ropes and nearly falling on my face. My mom called out to me and I beckoned her to follow as I raced to get to the restroom. From that point on I was free of the ceremony. I didn't return to my seat. I went with my mom to sit with my family, and found my friends that were in the crowd.

My mom pointed out that she was surprised I wasn't crying, like I had at my high-school graduation. I hadn't thought about it before. I was going to miss these friends just as much, if not more. So why wasn't I crying as hugged them and hurried away? Maybe things didn't feel final to me because I'm not exactly done with my semesters work, or maybe it's because it's a really small town and my friends aren't going too far just yet, or maybe... I don't know. Something to ponder, I suppose.

Something else to think about... when you browse the books in a store or library, do you look at books that have contrary opinions, or do you stick with books that speak your own beliefs? I myself tend to stick to reading stuff that echoes my values and belief systems. This is sort of limiting, I realize. It keeps my eyes shut to new ideas, and blind to the perspectives of others, which is ironic in that I am always trying to understand people's various points of view. I was given a book, "The Case for Faith", as a graduation gift from my old pastor. I wonder if my mom told him I'm no longer Christian. Anyhow, I was bothered by the gift, even though the intention was kind (sort of). He wrote an inscription in the cover, wishing me well on my journey through life. But did he need to push his religiousness on me?
It's an interesting thing. Those who are Christian, feel that it is their duty to 'correct' the ways of those who are not. For those that are close to them it is 'out of love'. I mean, they don't want their loved ones burning for all eternity in the fiery pits of hell, do they? And if they are truly good Christians, isn't it their moral obligation to 'fix' everyone else, because it's the 'right thing' to do. Ugh! I get frustrated and annoyed just thinking of it all. So many deaths due to the need to force others into the 'right' beliefs. It's stupid and contradictory. If a god wants you to love everyone, even your enemies, then how is persecution and murder justified? Love isn't either of those things, nor anything associated with them.
Chris was telling me I should read it anyway, in order to see what arguments people use to defend their faith. As he perused the content, he read allowed some of the non-believer statements. With each one, I was more irritated- not with him, but with the book, and the people, and the culture that the book emulates. I told him I could probably give him the same responses to those statements as the author does because I was fed that crap all through my childhood. I am sickened by the lack of logic, and the circular arguments. I am sick of the hypocrisies and the double standards, I am sickened by religion in general.
It's really hard sometimes, because the little girl I was and that my family thinks I am is so far from who I've become. And I can't even tell them. I can't introduce them to me. They don't want to know people like me. They are against my thoughts and beliefs even though they are more in sync with Christianity than their own. I love humans because they are human, and it doesn't matter about their race, gender, sexuality, or creed. My family feels that anyone who isn't a straight anglicized Christian is probably going to be trouble. (I say anglicized because they don't have to be 'white' they just have to be like 'white' people.) It's ignorant and incongruent with what they preach. I was raised to be like Jesus... who loved everyone. He was angered most by hypocrites, but forgave those that wanted and needed forgiveness. He taught that we should always help those in need and not ask questions but serve mankind because that is what love is.
I may not believe that Jesus was the one and only son of an old man that sits on a throne in the sky. I may not believe this man had to die to save the world from hell's eternal flames, but I do believe he was right on the money about how to act in order to make this world better. And yet, most of the Christians I've ever met don't seem to get the point. The follow the rules and logic of the old testament and use the new to make themselves feel better about it. UGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Enough of that! I had a good weekend, and I am proud of myself for getting this far! I had a lot of bumps along the way, but I made it this far. That's a BIG positive! It's encouragement for the next time I hit a bump. I can look at this point and the point before it and see what a long way I came and know that the next step is only a little ways away, whatever it is. I am proud of myself! And it feels good! I have a world of possibilities and I'm going to enjoy them all!
Everyone asks, so what's next? Well, the plan has now become working at a residential summer camp so I can save money and not spend any. Then from there it'll be to LA to get employment and see my therapist. Boy, do I have a lot of new stuff to talk about with her! It'll be nice to have that support again. She was really helpful to me when I was seeing her before.
That's about it for now... I'm not looking too far ahead. I have to focus on the immediate future and work in smaller chunks. My friend Jacki says I try and eat the elephant whole, instead of taking one bite-sized piece at a time. She's right. So I'm working on that.
So REALLY, what's next is that I'm finishing up the few things my professors gave me extensions on! That's the first thing. :-)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The good and the bad of it...

I talked with my old therapist, whom I haven't spoken with since 2003... It was so great to hear her voice again. I've really missed her, especially when I was attempting to find a new therapist up here. I guess I'm just too picky, and so I was never happy with any one else. Anyway, I have a plan formulated- kind of. The new plan is to work here and get money together by late August so that I can move down to Los Angeles, where I will begin a traditional credential program at a school that I haven't yet decided upon. That will be what's next on my agenda. (Applying to a few different programs down there.) The top choices are Mount Saint Mary's, Pacific Oaks, and CSULA... anybody with comments on any of that, let me know what you think...

So there's the good of it. The bad... well, when I stopped seeing said therapist it was because I had acquired a huge tab, and was unable to pay her. Before I start seeing her again I want to be able to give her what I owe her, as well as have enough to feel confident that I'll be able to keep paying. My tab was 500 dollars! There's that along with the cost of an apartment's first and last which will probably be around 2000... so essentially I'm gonna be bustin' my butt to work a job or two along with sell off some of my stuff.

I sold most of my movies and CDs when I needed to move a few years back, but I have over 100 books that I'm in the process of cataloging in my library, (this way I can someday rebuild should I chose to) and I'm hoping to sell off the lot of them. I've got text books, fiction, non-fiction political, non-fiction reference... and now I feel like a used car salesman. :-) Anyway, I'll probably set up on Amazon or e-bay or something... the update will be posted, of course. I also think I'll ask my friend's and family if they'd be willing to donate a few cents to a few dollars to my cause. It is a worthy one after all. (e-mail subject: "Your Cause" for a way to help out.)

I want to get to LA so that I can start my credential program, but also to see my therapist so that I can become better equipped to teach. I want so badly to make a difference in the world. I want to have a positive impact on every life I touch, but even more so, I want to be able to teach the children in my classroom how to love and respect themselves. If they love and respect themselves they are more likely to treat others this way, and in treating others this way, we can all begin to affect change. I know that I can 'teach' these concepts in my classroom, but if I don't know how to implement them in my own life, then it will be evident to my students, and children are keen to pick up subtleties. And the whole "do as I say, not as I do" principle never really works. The only way to really teach is to know, and the only way to know is to do... so it is clear to me what I need to do. I need to get to LA and continue my work with **** so that I will be ready to show what it means to "be the change you wish to see in the world".

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Well with 5 days to go... I'm having trouble concentrating or sleeping. I have a Final tomorrow at 12:40, and I'm dreading the test but thrilled that I'll be done with that awful class soon.

I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to write about earlier today, but now I feel like a zombie and so can't really think. Guess I'll try and get some rest... At least I've been pretty consistent with posting. Not that there's much content, but at least I'm getting something down, or up, or whatever...

I was slightly hypo-manic today (yesterday? uh, Tuesday). More rapid speech, easily excited. I even found myself laughing after I realized I'd thrown myself a temper tantrum. I guess it's hard to act like an adult when you aren't sure what that looks like. But I'm trying. I am. And the fact that I recognized it, and laughed at myself tells me that at least part if me is an adult. It's the impulsive part that needs to get a grip. I'm glad I have such wonderful people in my life. It'd be rough to go through it all alone. A friend of mine from crew came over and we were talking and I was rattling on about how freaked out I was about graduating, and how I had no idea where I was going to go. She gave me such kind and encouraging words, I was deeply touched. Warm fuzzies.

Ok... good note to end on, and maybe fall asleep with.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

6 Days Remain...

Less than a week until "Graduation". I won't actually be done with my school work though. Due to my circumstances, my professors have given me extensions on my deadlines. I should be done a week or so after. But the fact remains that the symbolic act that represents my transition from college life to 'real world' living is only 6 days away. I haven't heard back from Robin yet, so I don't know if I'm racing or walking. My family is planning on driving up, so I hope I find out by tomorrow.
Yesterday, I went to a professors house to work on one of my projects and did a lot of reading.
I learned that the brain registers ostracism as physical pain! So when you're a jerk to someone you ARE physically hurting them. I guess "sticks and stones may break my bones" needs an improved upon ending. Anyone, I'm doing my research on Prevention of Violence in schools and focusing in on eliminating bullying as a measure. I've only read three journal articles, but a fish's mom gave me some great leads into Non-Violent Communication so I'm happy with how that's going. Working on that took up the majority of my Saturday.
On a side note, I've written each day so far this month. I know it's a little thing, but the little things are where I needed to start. I'm also still feeling pretty good. Which is nice. Hopefully I can maintain this position for a while... at least until I decide what I'm doing with myself. I've been thinking a lot about Arizona lately. I think I might take a road trip out there sometime this summer, so I can get a feel for it. My mom has a friend who lives out there, and he's known me my whole life. I'm sure he'd let me stay with him. I should look into that.
Also, I'd thought I'd changed my plans so that I wasn't going back to LA, but I still have a year (to five) before I have my credential, and if I get it from down there I could go back to seeing my old therapist. She was awesome. It would be worth it for that. I'm still unsure though. I don't want to make any rash decisions so I'm trying to weigh all of the possibilities. Trouble is- it feels like I'm using a busted scale.
Whatever- it balances sometimes... ;-)

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Return to Rowing

11:00 am
So, For the past week and a half I've abstained from rowing practice. I was a coxwain, but I was involved in a minor accident, where one of the rowers got hurt. She wasn't hurt too severely, but she was hurt. And a coxwain has two jobs, to encourage the boat, and keep them safe. I failed at the more important of the two, so I turned in my gear and resigned. When all of this happened the lead coach was away on other business.
I didn't go to practice, and I wasn't planning on going to the banquet until the lead coach, whom I respect and admire more than anyone else, e-mailed me. So I went to the banquet last night. It was a mixture of relief and sadness. Relief because I was facing everybody, and being greeted with open arms by most of the ladies, and sadness because I felt the isolation of not having raced at all this season and so missing out on all the bonding that happened. I was glad I went though. Really glad. I would have regretted it if I hadn't. Of course, because I was there, I spoke with the lead coach briefly, and she told me she expected to see me at practice this morning. Well, what was I going to do? So I went to practice this morning... and I was terrified. I knew I was there to cox, and I didn't really want to get back in the seat... but if Robin (coach) had faith in me, I guess I'd try.
I'm SO glad I did. I had a really great time! It was nice to get an affirmation of why I'd gotten up early almost everyday this semester. It felt good to be back in the game so to speak. My only regret while I was on the water, was that I had chosen not to race last weekend, and now I wished I had.
There is technically one more race, but this is one not everyone will go to. This is the national championship qualifier, and the coaches have yet to decide who will go. I had told Robin that I wasn't interested in going, early on in the semester because it happens on Graduation day, next Saturday. Now that I've not raced a single race, and am revamped, I think I'd like a chance... and a metal... But I'm not sure about asking. I mean, I'm going to ask Robin for the chance, because the worst that can happen is that she'll say no... I guess I'm just a little unsure about missing the whole pomp and circumstance of the normal Graduation ceremony. But what a feeling that would be to leave college with the feeling of competing and winning... of coming out on top of it all. It would be so very symbolic for me and my journey thus far... Far more symbolic that walking across a stage in front of a huge crowd of people most of whom I don't even know...
We'll see what Robin thinks...

Friday, May 4, 2007


After days of feeling down, it's nice to come back up for air... I was successful again yesterday albeit minor. I had much more I'd intended to write... but at the moment it's all slipped away... later, then... later

For the record... I'm coming up.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A small Success is still a success

So I didn't even come close to achieving the "to-do list" I posted, but I did get my PowerPoint Presentation that I started yesterday done in time for class at 2pm today (uh, or yesterday). I was really stressed out, but my dear, DEAR friend helped me keep my cool and my focus so that I could actually finish. I was so tempted to go back to bed when I woke up this morning, but I didn't. I stayed on campus to keep working- and that! in itself deserves comment! So I'm proud of that, but even better, I got the stinkin' thing DONE!!! And now, all I have to do is type up the "Report" for the thing. That shouldn't take too long. It's just a write up of what I said in the presentation. So I had two successes today. Even if they're small, I still feel good about them, especially since I've been so down lately. It feels like I'm heading back up again- Thank Goodness!!!
It's really nice to be reminded that there are people who care. I went to a gathering tonight, to play games and afterward as things were winding down I sat and talked with a friend I hadn't really talked with in a while. I have a bad habit of shying away from people when I'm low because I don't want to drag anybody down, but I told her how I was and what had been going on with me and it was nice to feel like I could talk to her. It was also really great that she just listened without giving anything but her attention to me. That is a really hard thing to do... to just LISTEN. But it's also really important that people have that chance to be HEARD.
I have a friend who is really good at Listening, but I'm also trying to build myself a broader support system because having placed the entirety of my emotional safety on one individual in the past has left me lost and scared. I don't ever want to be stuck here again. People need a web of support not just one pillar. The question is how does one go about building a web without spinners, and silk? Where there's a will, there's a way?... We'll see.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

In Flux

I wonder if there's any actual rhythm to the chaos. Supposedly, if I charted it all out, the patterns would emerge, but somehow I doubt it. Am I a cynic? Maybe it's true, and I'm just too close to see the sense of it all. My mentor says to me "one day you'll just wake up and be sick and tired of being sick and tired", I'm there. So what happens next?
I want a break from this whole mess. Graduation is just around the corner, and that is supposed to give me some reprieve, but it's really just a transition from one hectic situation to the next. Isn't it? I suppose, if I were "normal", it would be a shift into a stable life, with a steady job, and a regular life... but is that really a possibility for someone who experiences the world in black AND white alternatively?
I really appreciate the individuals who bare with me through these times... I can only imagine how exhausting it is from their side of the coin. And why anyone would get on this roller coaster by choice is beyond my understanding. But I'm grateful beyond words for the patience and care that I'm given. I don't know how I'd make it, if it weren't for those people.
And now I have to get to work on a project due at 2.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I think mindfulness is a skill everyone would be better off honing. People who are mindful are more aware of how they spend their time, and how precious each moment is. Supposedly those who are mindful get the most out of life... I think it's also useful for things like remembering where you put your keys, and what it is you have to do the next day. Also, the ability to follow a friend's mood with a single word, or even more, a breath or gesture. It's amazing. I really appreciate that kind of mindfulness, and hope to emulate such awareness.
I'm not writing tonight, because I have anything interesting to say, but because I was told it would help me to build healthy patterns... and that I need to start small... the old expression "baby steps" can't be said to me enough. My new favorite expression is "you can't eat an elephant whole, you have to take it one bite at a time." Though I don't think I'd care much for elephant, I do have the habit of trying to go too far too fast... so here I am, writing nothing of great import, simply for the sake of writing so as to make it a habit...
But I can also track my progress, I'm told, to gain an objective view of myself... so today was a blah day though I did make it to class, and even got a few papers printed up to turn in... Still playing the catch-up game, but I'm used to it. I think I'm 1/3 done with the stuff I have to do for classes. Also, I need to get my resumé ready so I can apply for a few jobs. My new plan (since I'm not going into Americorps or moving down to LA right away) is to save up some money and investigate some other CA credentialing programs. Though I don't know if I'll stay in Ca indefinitely, I do know that a teaching credential from Ca tends to be good enough for most places. Good to know. I think I'll end up somewhere really nice and warm with lots of sunshine... the southwest corner of Az is close to the Coast of México. I could take weekend trips across the border, and practice my Spanish.
Ok, so for my own reference, what are my goals for the next two weeks, or even better just this week?
*Type up the other 2/3 of my past due assignments
*Get resumé together
*Apply to at least 3 places
*Call Jacoby Creek and see if they're hiring
Ok, for now, I need some sleep, but at least I have something to refer back to to see if I was successful. It's the small things that add up in life, isn't it?

Sunday, April 29, 2007


It's late/ early so I won't write much, but I was thinking about how so many problems people deal with come from misinformation they learned during development. People that have low self esteem LEARNED those ideas. People that have poor work ethic LEARNED that behavior. People who have violent tempers LEARNED this expression of emotion... Wouldn't it be fabulous if therapist could actually help us UN-learn those things. I, myself, am aware of a lot of ideas and behaviors I learned growing up that are now hindrances. And I'd happily learn over those thoughts if I could just re-write on my brain, like you can do with floppy disks- you know, simply erase the old patterns and save the new ones in my memory so that that was what I recalled next time I was looking for ... But, unfortunately, it's far FAR more difficult to UN-learn things, especially as an adult, after we've built up such strong neural connections. But what if... Just what if we could USE intense learning style theory to RETEACH those things that we didn't get right the first time??? I wonder if somehow it would make the process easier or more effective if it were presented in a way that our minds could process the information- tailored specifically to our minds needs. I wonder... That would be neat!
Oh, one other thing, If we didn't set out to make others happy, but just went about our lives, accepting that they would feel what they felt and all we should do is our best... I wonder if that would cause relationships to be less stressful. I know that in my past relationships, so many of them failed because they wanted to make me better or happy, and that's really impossible. My brain's chemistry has far more say over what I feel and when, and when nothing they did could change my brain chemistry there was frustration and arguments, but what if they had just recognized that they could only do their best and then let the rest be as it would be??? Would that have at least made it all less angry or agonizing.
I was asked if there was any sign of my condition (BiPolar Disorder) when I was little, and the funny thing is that I guess I don't really know for sure. I know that those around me always said what a happy child I was, and how aptly I was named... but then I have memories of wanting to hide away from the rest of the world too. It was like a swing, I suppose, that starts out slowly rocking back and forth and then gradually moves into a tall parabola. It's really hard to know for sure though because I have no empirical evidence. I have always had this habit of journaling erratically. Sometimes, days in a row, and sometimes I wouldn't write for months at a time, and then it would usually be when I was in a strong swing. I have very few entries where I in an objective mind frame. My "associate" thinks if I journaled every day it would help me get a better idea of what my experience is. I know he's right, but it's so hard to UN-learn the pattern I've set... I'll try though, it's just gonna take a little time, I'm sure.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Skender VLog

Voila... My first attempt at recording, and editing my own movie... if anyone sees it feel free to leave comments... but remember to be constructive!

Skender and attempting to set up to make my movie...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bound to Happen

Well, once more I feel like I am the worst human being on the face of the earth. Death or self-harm seems like the only thing that could possibly give me penance. But all I did was be human... feelings are just like life... unpredictable and transient. And yet spurned by the state of being mortal, I feel the rage of another. Love, like a creature in constant metamorphosis, never stays the same. It grows, it changes, it waxes and wains like an emotional tide, but do we have control over the waves that shake the heart? Being bathed in churning water certainly feels like I'm a passive player, but I'm held accountable for the movement of the tides as though I were Diana herself.
Wanting so badly to hold friendship dear, rather than let it slip away, I spoke, and because I didn't 'speak sooner', I fend myself from this wrath and indignation. Would it really have mattered? Wouldn't there be some other reason for loathing vexation? I'm damned. Perhaps if I were better, smarter, prettier, I would have known what to do...

Waxing Philosophical

What is it? How does one define the concept of life? Is it autonomy? Is it a sense of self preservation? What is life? And does the definition matter? Systems... a system doesn't need it's parts to be defined to function so long as those undefined parts do whatever task it is they are set to do.
Rise and fall, beginning and end, nonsense in a timeless expanse. Eternal flowing has no start or finish only the constant motion of change. But what drives the movement? What keeps the everlasting rhythm in time? What metronome give a beat to the universal waltz? And is the pace ever constant? Are we the pace makers?

The word holds so much power. Such significance in a single syllable. Humanity, kindness, joy, pain, experiences, brief, temporary, blessing and curse... all subjective based upon a single factor... the ego. Is the ego what life is? What is life? Why is it important. It IS important, at least, to me, but why?! Is it simply because I have been bludgeoned with messages that tell me so for the entirety of my existence? I was going to try and imagine if I were raised in a culture that life wasn't treated as important, but I couldn't fathom such a thing. If life were not valued on some primal level, what would be the drive to eat, drink, move? Would creatures bother to lift up their heads after birth if there was no value to life? Simply unfathomable. And I have thought at times that life had no value, but only fleeting times, otherwise I'd not be here writing this.

Continuous though undefined. That's the way things work. No need for definitions, things, all things go on. It is only a feeble attempt to simplify the complex nature of all things. The human mind cannot comprehend the world without trying to categorize, simplify. So many things... 'things', such a vague word, a word that by it's essence categorizes all into one group... but isn't that the whole point of language? It attempts to simplify life, experience, so as to find a way to connect with other entities and communicate thoughts and ideas that we really have no clue as to whether we actually successfully convey those thoughts.

I suppose I need sleep. Too much time thinking...

Friday, April 20, 2007


I always get this way! When ever I have something super important that I need to get done, my mind turns to scrambled eggs. Senior project due Monday at 4pm... percentage done??? ???!!! I feel like I'm going in circles in my head about where to begin, when I'm sure if I just started somewhere it would work itself out fine. Well, I have the weekend, right? So I needn't worry, right? That's what got me where I am... Time has a way of fooling with my mind. What seems close at hand takes an eternity to come, and what seems the distant future is at my door before I've even breathed.
Friend of mine is taking an oral interpretations class. What I wouldn't give to be doing his assignments instead of facing mine. Drama, I miss all of that. I miss memorizing lines and then giving them life.
Alright, a nap and then on to my monstrous task.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

First Video Post

Learning to upload movie files.

Chris shows me how to make and post videos.

A new blog space

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step,
(so don't trip)