Well with 5 days to go... I'm having trouble concentrating or sleeping. I have a Final tomorrow at 12:40, and I'm dreading the test but thrilled that I'll be done with that awful class soon.
I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to write about earlier today, but now I feel like a zombie and so can't really think. Guess I'll try and get some rest... At least I've been pretty consistent with posting. Not that there's much content, but at least I'm getting something down, or up, or whatever...
I was slightly hypo-manic today (yesterday? uh, Tuesday). More rapid speech, easily excited. I even found myself laughing after I realized I'd thrown myself a temper tantrum. I guess it's hard to act like an adult when you aren't sure what that looks like. But I'm trying. I am. And the fact that I recognized it, and laughed at myself tells me that at least part if me is an adult. It's the impulsive part that needs to get a grip. I'm glad I have such wonderful people in my life. It'd be rough to go through it all alone. A friend of mine from crew came over and we were talking and I was rattling on about how freaked out I was about graduating, and how I had no idea where I was going to go. She gave me such kind and encouraging words, I was deeply touched. Warm fuzzies.
Ok... good note to end on, and maybe fall asleep with.
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